Historical Characters
On these pages you can learn fascinating information about some of the real-life Western characters who just might lead you to a few conclusions about the characters portrayed in The High Chaparral. For instance, was John Cannon really based on the life of Pete Kitchen? Could Johnny Ringo have actually visited the Tucson area? Was Cochise as bloodthirsty as television portrayed him? How about Geronimo? Was the peaceful Nockaydelklinne the historical figure for Chaparral's Nockaydel?
All articles are the copyright of Western writer Lee Paul and are used with full permission. They may not be reprinted or copied without consent.
Buckskin Frank Leslie | Buffalo Soldiers | Cochise |
Curly Bill Brocius | Geronimo | Johnny Ringo |
Nockaydelklinne | Oatman Girls | Pete Kitchen |
Doc Holliday |